Planning to visit for the first time?

Service | At Mexia First Assembly you can expect to meet men, women, teens, and kids from all backgrounds and walks of life.  Say "Hi" to one of our hospitality volunteers, grab a fresh cup of coffee and make your way into the sanctuary for modern worship led by our worship team. After that, one of our pastors will present message addressing biblical truths relevant to practical life. Dress is casual – wear what makes you comfortable!

Childcare | At Mexia First Assembly our culture of worship, discipleship, and service extends all the way down to our kids and preschoolers. School-age kids are welcome to remain in the sanctuary and enjoy worship with you and will be dismissed, before the message, to go with our amazing D.O.C. Kids leaders and volunteers to hear intentionally crafted, age group focused messages and lessons. Following service you can pick your children up in our Kid's Ministry hallway located out the rear doors of the sanctuary and through the fellowship hall.  Feel free to ask a member of our hospitality team in the lobby, or staff member if you need help locating our kids ministry hall or anything else.

Nursing Mothers I  We have a quiet, private room with comfortable seating available for mothers who are nursing or in need of a quiet space for their children. It is located just off of our lobby through a door to the right of our coffee station.

The Guest Center | We’d love to meet you!  Feel free to stop by the Welcome Center in the Main Lobby before or after any Saturday morning service.  It’s a great time to connect with some of our hospitality team, ministry leaders, or congregants.  Our hospitality team can answer any questions you might have about Mexia First Assembly, including upcoming events and activities, Life Groups and other discipleship opportunities going on.