d.o.c. Kids Ministry

D.O.C. or Disciples Of Christ is the Kid's Ministry of Mexia First Assembly. 

Every week our KidMin leaders and volunteers prepare a fun, engaging, and challenging lesson for our D.O.C. kids.  A typical Sunday will include a message and teaching from one of our leaders, discussion time, a hands-on activity, and plenty of dancing and singing.

All of our Kid's ministry leaders and volunteers are background checked and child safety trained so you can trust that your children are in a safe, loving, and faith filled environment during services.

Ages birth through 5th grade


Sunday at 10:00 AM


Fellowship and Games at 6:00 PM

Service at 6:30 PM

drop-off and pick-up

Sunday Mornings:

Pre-School Age (Birth-4) - You may drop off your pre-school aged children with us in our "Toddler Room" which can be found on the left side of our Kid's Ministry hallway.  Our volunteers will meet you at the room door to receive your children and check them in.

School Age (5-11) - Your school age kids are welcome to stay in the sanctuary and enjoy our worship services with you.  Just before we start our message for the day, we will dismiss all school age kids to join our KidMin leaders in the back of the sanctuary to head back to kid's service.

Following the conclusion of our message all kids can be picked up in our Kid's Ministry hallway, which can be found out the rear doors of our sanctuary and through the fellowship hall.  If you have any questions or need and assistance, before or after service, our hospitality team in the lobby will be more than happy to assist you.

Wednesday Evenings:

We open the doors at 6:00 PM to welcome our school-aged kids in for fun and fellowship.

Kids may be dropped off in the fellowship hall with one of our Kid's Ministry leaders or volunteers.

Our Snack Shack will be open during this time for cash purchases as well.

At 6:30 PM the kids start service.

Wednesday services end at 7:30 PM and kids can be picked up in the fellowship hall.